Tommy Womack
Family Wash
East Nashville USA
February 21, 2009
9:00 PM
So who's with me? Come one, come all! Well, not all can attend. The Wash isn't that big. But if you are a Tommy fan, you already know you should be there. If you've begun to taste the TW Kool-Aid I've been serving to anyone who will read or listen, then you too should spend part of your Saturday evening in East Nashville.
Here's hoping he'll include Early To Bed and Willie Perdue in his set list (hint, hint TW if you're reading this).
I'll be there. I had filed this one in my "bummer, can't go" file because we were supposed to have a cub scout campout tonight. However, that got postponed due to weather concerns. Now its back into the "dude, I'm there column."